Who i am
About Me
Hi, there! My name is Yue Zhang. I am a doctoral student in the Department of Communication at Michigan State University.
The main focus of my research is the intersection between interpersonal communication and health communication using computational social science techniques. Particularly, I am interested in examining the unfolding process of how communication can help people cope better with stressors (transitions/ shift in social identity, etc.), improve their resilience, and facilitate their psychological well-being.
Besides research, I am a big fan of
I am willing to discuss any of those with you:)
Don't hesitate to contact me zhan1600@msu.edu
at any time :))
Zhang, Y., Meng, J., Dorrance Hall, E. (2022, May 26-30). Communal coping during COVID: stress and social network as antecedents in the extended theoretical model of communal coping. International Communication Association’s 72nd Annual Conference, Paris, France.
Meng, J., Rheu, M., Zhang, Y., Dai, Y., Peng, W. (under review). Mediated Social Support for Distress Reduction: AI Chatbots vs. Human [Paper submitted for presentation]. The 25th ACM conference On Computer-Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing, Taipei, Taiwan.
Allard, A., Shebib, S. J., Holmstrom, A. J., Boumis, J. K., Lim, J. I., & Zhang, Y. (2022, May 26-30). Coping with COVID-19: How different support types enhance communal coping. International Communication Association’s 72nd Annual Conference, Paris, France.
Listed below are some current projects I'm working on...
Communal Coping and Social Network
Diffusion of "AllofUs" Message Campaign on Twitter
AI Conversation Analysis
Reach Out
Yue Zhang
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