Yue Zhang


Who i am

About Me

Hi, there! My name is Yue Zhang. I am a doctoral student ​in the Department of Communication at Michigan State ​University.

The main focus of my research is the intersection ​between interpersonal communication and health ​communication using computational social science ​techniques. Particularly, I am interested in examining the ​unfolding process of how communication can help ​people cope better with stressors (transitions/ shift in ​social identity, etc.), improve their resilience, and facilitate ​their psychological well-being.

Besides research, I am a big fan of

  • outdoor activities such as hiking, kayaking...
  • playing the piano, anything related to music
  • art exhibitions, museums, literature..

I am willing to discuss any of those with you:)

Don't hesitate to contact me zhan1600@msu.edu

at any time :))



Zhang, Y., Meng, J., Dorrance Hall, E. (2022, May 26-30). Communal coping during COVID: ​stress and social network as antecedents in the extended theoretical model of communal ​coping. International Communication Association’s 72nd Annual Conference, Paris, France.

Meng, J., Rheu, M., Zhang, Y., Dai, Y., Peng, W. (under review). Mediated Social Support for ​Distress Reduction: AI Chatbots vs. Human [Paper submitted for presentation]. The 25th ACM ​conference On Computer-Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing, Taipei, Taiwan.

Allard, A., Shebib, S. J., Holmstrom, A. J., Boumis, J. K., Lim, J. I., & Zhang, Y. (2022, May 26-​30). Coping with COVID-19: How different support types enhance communal coping. ​International Communication Association’s 72nd Annual Conference, Paris, France.


Listed below are some current projects I'm working on...

Communal Coping and S​ocial Ne​twork

Diffusion of "AllofUs" Message ​Campaign on Twitter

AI​ Conversation Analysis

Reach Out

Yu​e Zhang


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